Puhelin: 02 2761 999
Raviraitti 45, Metsämäki, Turku
Avoinna arkisin ma-to 8-20, pe 8-19.
La päivystys ajanvarauksella klo 9-17.

Pool therapy

Water therapy is an excellent form of rehabilitation which is suitable for almost all dogs. Water therapy is especially good for:

  • dogs with joint and back problems
  • those recovering from injuries and surgery
  • sport dogs
  • weight watchers

Exploiting the properties of water by running on a treadmill in the water will bring, among others, the following benefits:
increase in the range of movement of joints
decrease the load on joints even up to 80%
makes it possible to re-learn how to walk normally, for instance after surgery

  • strengthen muscles
  • improve the fitness of the breathing and blood circulation systems
  • improve motor functions


In addition to the water treadmill the rehabilitation will, as necessary, use other therapeutic practices and manual handling such as massage and mobilisation.

For sports dogs the water treadmill is a good training method because through exploiting the properties of water you can:

  • strengthen muscles
  • decrease the load on joints even up to 80% (good counterbalance for certain types of training, eg. agility)
  • improve the fitness of the breathing and blood circulation system
  • develop motor functions, strength and endurance

Even the fittest dogs feel that walking in the water is physically more demanding when the resistance of the water grows as the speed of the treadmill is increased sufficiently. Water therapy is also a good training method when we want to prevent, for example the possible development of joint problems.

In addition sports and home dogs’ muscle maintenance (massage, stretching).

Inquiries and booking at the reception.

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